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Participating in Intramurals
Team Sports
How to Register as a Team Captain/Manager
View the Intramural Schedule of Activities for a complete list of intramural sports and entry deadlines.
Each intramural manager or captain is responsible for entering his or her team and individuals using the following procedure:
- Find out when the entry deadline is. Check out the Activities and Events page, Recreational Services calendars, or IMLeagues for entry deadline dates, specific sports information, and details on how to enter.
- Entries will be accepted online through IMLeagues during the week of entry. More information regarding the sports is listed on the IMLeagues website.
- Once registration online is completed, teams can pay the intramural fee online through IMLeagues, in the Rec Services Office, or by calling (785) 532-6980.
- Teams needing to charge their intramural fee to their house or Residence Hall must email Armando Esponiza, at arespin@k-state.edu for approval.
Number of entries
In activities where points are awarded, organizations are limited to one team entry per team sport; four individual entries for each singles activity; and two doubles teams (four people) for each doubles activity.
Organizations may enter more teams or individuals than the allotted, but points will not be accrued by the base organization.
Example: One residence hall floor can enter four individuals in residence hall badminton singles. Any other person on that floor wishing to compete in badminton singles must compete in the independent division with no points designated for that floor from that person's competition.
Exceptions: Cross country teams are allowed to have five members on a team. Organizations will be allowed to enter two teams comprised of four people each for 3-on-3 basketball, triples volleyball and 4-on-4 sand volleyball.
Entry Fees
An entry fee is charged for each intramural activity. Fees will be:
Team sports: $25 per team
Individual sports: $1 per participant
Meet sports: $1 per participant
All intramural fees are subject to sales tax.
Note: No refunds will be given for any entry fee under $25.
Yearly Fee option for organizations
Groups may choose the option of paying a yearly team entry fee of $250 (plus tax) for the fraternity, residence hall, independent, or women's division and $150 (plus tax) for the co-rec division. This payment will cover one team for meet or team sports and four participants in individual sports.
Exceptions: The yearly fee includes five participants for cross country, and two teams of four people for 3-on-3 basketball, triples volleyball, and 4-on-4 sand volleyball, 2-teams of two for spikeball.
Participants of this group must use the designated group name when entering an intramural activity.
The yearly fee covers the designated group in one competitive division only. Example: A residence hall team competing in the independent division is not covered by the team's yearly fee.
The yearly fee must be paid by the first intramural deadline, usually the end of the first week of fall semester classes.
In addition to paying intramural entry fees, teams must also pay green fees for golf, lane fees for bowling, footgolf and miniature golf fees.
Individual/Dual Sports
The Intramural program offers a wide variety of individual and dual sports, consisting of outdoor and indoor sports. Singles outdoor and indoor sports are offered in the fall semester. Doubles indoor and outdoor sports are offered in the spring semester. Individual sports competition consists of one single elimination tournament per division in each sport.
How to play
Pertaining to: Badminton, Pickleball, Racquetball, Table Tennis, Tennis, 1-on-1 Basketball, 3-on-3 Basketball, Doubles Volleyball, Triples Volleyball, Squash, Around the World, Wallyball, and HORSE.
These sports are self-scheduling. It is your responsibility to set up play times. These guidelines provide the necessary information for participation in intramural individual sports. Specific game rules are available online here. Please check the specific sport information sheet for any special rules or intramural adaptations.
Scheduling Set Up
Tournament brackets listing your opponent's name and phone number will be posted online on IMLeagues. Go to your specific sport and division bracket to find your opponent in the appropriate round. Check the posted information concerning your phone number (extension included) to ensure the information is correct. If a correction needs to be made, please notify the Armando immediately by email at arespin@k-state.edu.
Contacting Opponent
Both parties are responsible for contacting their opponent to schedule a play time and place. This match must be scheduled prior to the deadline posted for that round. Contact your opponent early in the week corresponding to the deadline. Repeated phone calls are sometimes necessary. Do not procrastinate. Make every attempt to play your match before the deadline. Forfeits are an undesirable alternative.
Round deadline dates are included on the tournament brackets. Matches for each round must be completed and scorecards turned in prior to the deadline posted for that round. Scorecards turned in after the posted deadline are not accepted unless an extension has been granted.
Scoring of Matches
See rulebooks and information sheets for details concerning keeping score for specific sports.
Additions will be allowed for 3-on-3 Basketball and Triples Volleyball only. Teams may have four members on their roster for these two sports. Teams signing up only three players may add a fourth player in the Recreational Services office within one working day after the contest in which the individual played.
No substitute players are allowed after sign-up, except as approved by the Individual Sports Tournament Director. Substitutions will be allowed only prior to a team's first match. Any individual substituting for another player without approval or after his team's first match will receive a forfeit.
Extensions are discouraged; however, they will be considered under the following guidelines:
- The request for an extension must be made by 5 pm on the day of the deadline of 5 pm on Friday for weekend deadlines. Any requests after the deadline will not be considered for review. Example: For a Wednesday midnight deadline, the extension request must be made in the Recreational Services office by Wednesday at 5 pm.
- The extension request must be made via email to the Assistant Director of Competitive Sports at arespin@k-state.edu. The request will be reviewed and approved or denied by the Director. Extension requests will not be taken over the phone.
- Extensions will be for 24-hour periods. Example: For a Wednesday midnight deadline, the extension deadline will be for Thursday midnight.
- If the request is approved, it is the responsibility of the requesting party to inform the opponent and set up the match before the new deadline.
- Any false information given will result in a minimum penalty of the match being forfeited.
Submitting Results
- The match winner is responsible for reporting the results. Failure to turn in a scorecard by the deadline will result in a double forfeit.
- Results are to be recorded on an Individual Sport Score Card. These are found at the drop box in the Intramural Gallery at the Recreation Complex. Completed cards are to be put in the drop box prior to the deadline date and time. Results will not be taken over the phone. Scorecards turned in after the posted deadline are not accepted unless an extension has been granted. Scorecards must include player numbers.
- If a forfeit is claimed, the reason must be explained on the back of the scorecard.
- Once an established match time and location have been agreed upon, failure of an individual/team to be present after 5 minutes of the agreed upon time will result in a forfeit.
Other Information
Who is eligible to play?
Any currently enrolled student at K-State who is paying Student Services Fees are eligible for intramural competition.
Current K-State faculty and staff and visiting professors may participate in any intramural activity. K-State faculty and staff are defined as persons appointed by a K-State department and paid through the payroll department at K-State.
The faculty/staff division is only offered for Faculty-Staff Golf. This division is open to all current and retired K-State faculty and staff, graduate assistants of K-State departments, and full-time employees of K-State departments and their affiliates.
A faculty or staff member of K-State, who is an advisor or director of a registered K-State club or living organization will be allowed to compete for that respective group.
Co-rec division
Currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff are eligible to play on a co-rec team.
Spouses may compete in sports where the co-rec division is offered provided that both spouses are participating members of the same team.
Spouses, faculty, and staff must purchase a membership or guest pass to the Recreation Complex for intramural activities. This membership card must be shown for admittance to the Rec Complex.
Eligibility exceptions
1. A player may compete on only one non-co-rec and one co-rec team in the same sport. Individuals who play on two teams in the same division or play under an assumed name are barred from competition in that sport. Teams using players deemed ineligible for any reason will have a forfeit recorded against them for that contest.
2. If a player is on the roster of two teams and plays for both teams, the first team played for is considered the legal team. The second team forfeits all the games in which he or she participated. A game forfeited prior to the start of play will not be considered participation for any player. A game forfeited for any reason after the start of play will be considered participation.
3. A member of a team may not change to another team after he or she has played in a game for that team in that particular sport. Violation of this rule by the player brings automatic suspension in that sport for the remainder of the season. The team the individual switched to will be required to forfeit all games in which that player participated.
4. All participants in intramural team sport activities must present and show their valid student or faculty-staff ID card to the game officials prior to participating in any contest. Spouses will need to show a current photo ID to game officials.
Those participants without their valid ID cards will not be allowed to participate in the contest until this card is shown. This will be in effect for the team sports of flag football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, indoor soccer, softball, inner tube water polo, and ultimate.
Team captains or representatives will sign up all players prior to the contest starting. After sign-up on the scorecard, the officials will request that each person present their ID. If a false ID is used, it will be confiscated and the participant will be removed from the premises. The team will be placed on intramural probation for the remainder of that sports season. The player using the false ID will be removed from the facility and will not be able to participate in intramurals again until after meeting with the intramural director.
Those participants arriving at the contest after the start will have to show their ID to the intramural supervisor in charge and have their name entered on the scorecard before being allowed to participate in the contest.
5. Any student having his or her varsity letter or equivalent recognition from an NCAA Division 1 program must wait one academic year from the last semester in which they lettered before being eligible for participation in that particular sport or its intramural counterpart. Example: A basketball athlete lettering in 2016 must wait until Summer 2017 before they can participate in 3-on-3 basketball.
Note: NCAA Division 1 programs refer to the specific sport that the student was a member of.
6. Any student having his or her varsity letter or equivalent recognition any four-year institution that is not an NCAA Division 1 program will be eligible to play in the semester following the last semester in which they last lettered. This rule applies to that particular sport or its intramural counterpart. Example: A basketball athlete lettering in Spring 2016 will be eligible to participate in Fall 2017.
7. Any student that was a member of a varsity sport team and is no longer a part of the team must sit a semester prior to being able to participate in that particular sport or intramural equivalent.
8. Athletic letterman: An individual who has received an athletic letter or its equivalent from a four-year institution. Note: Athletic letters are assumed to be awarded following the season.
Ex-professional athlete: An individual who has played as a professional as defined by the NCAA Manual of Operations.
Teams may not participate with more than two participants (in any combination) from the above list on the same team in the respective sport or intramural equivalent.
In addition, no more than one individual from the above list may participate on a doubles, triples, or 4-on-4 team.
9. No more than one individual who has participated in any intercollegiate bowling competition can participate on any one team in intramural bowling.
10. Teams using an ineligible player(s) or more than the allowable combinations in rule 6 will receive forfeits for the intramural games in the concurrent time period of the ineligibility. The player(s) will become ineligible for further competition in that sport's season and will be placed on intramural probation.
11. Members of intercollegiate athletic squads shall not be eligible for intramural competition in that particular sport or its counterpart. Members of intercollegiate athletic squads are defined as individuals who are practicing or competing with a respective athletic squad. Individuals who have been redshirted by the coach, school, or conference are classified as members of athletic squads and are not eligible for intramural competition in that particular sport or its counterpart.
- Example: Members of athletic cross country squads are not eligible for the intramural cross country meet and track meet. Any questions regarding eligibility in counterpart activities should be resolved prior to competition.
12. If a man or woman drops or is dropped from an intercollegiate squad, he or she becomes eligible for intramurals in that particular sport following the official drop. Exception: see rule 5. This also includes any individual who was classified as a redshirt status.
13. One who is currently under contract as a professional in any sport is not eligible for intramural competition in that particular sport or its intramural counterpart. Professionalism is defined by the NCAA Manual of Operations.
The Department of Recreational Services has the right to bar any organization that willfully uses an ineligible player. Team captains or intramural managers are responsible for the eligibility of their players. Recreational Services staff members are authorized to report cases of ineligible players competing for more than one team and other inequities at any time.
14. In individual and dual sports, no matches or games shall be replayed as a result of determined ineligibility. In order for a team to advance as a result of an eligibility protest, that protest must be filed before the succeeding match. Every individual or doubles team defeated by the illegal participation shall be awarded points for a win, but will not advance in the tournament.
15. If the champion in any team, individual, or meet sport is determined to be ineligible, they will forfeit the championship. All points earned will also be forfeited. The second place finisher will be declared the winner, accrue win points, and be awarded the championship t-shirt.
16. Active members of fraternities may compete with their house. Active with a house is defined by the Office of Fraternity and Sororities membership list. This list is developed by the fraternity, signed by the house president, and sent to the Office of Fraternities and Sororities at the beginning of each semester. All fraternities must be registered members on the K-State campus to be eligible to compete in the fraternity division.
17. Men competing in the residence hall division with intramural points designated for a respective residence hall must live in the respective residence hall which they compete.
If a participant changes his or her residence from a residence hall during a competitive season, he or she is allowed to continue participation for the original team only until that sport season is completed.
18. In activities with separate divisions for men's and women's competition, no person may participate in a division of the opposite sex.
19. Each team with a winning percentage of .500 and a sportsmanship rating of 2.5 or better will advance to playoffs with the following exceptions:
- Teams that forfeit twice during the season or forfeit once
- Teams that use players playing under an assumed name.
- Teams that violate team probation.
20. Any question of interpretation of the rules shall be submitted to the Assistant Director of Competitive Sports for consideration.
How to sign up
View the Intramural Schedule of Activities for a complete list of intramural sports and entry deadlines.
Each intramural manager, captain or team representative is responsible for entering his or her team and individuals using the following procedure:
- Find out when the entry deadline is. Check out the Activities and Events page, Recreational Services calendars, or IMLeagues for entry deadline dates, specific sports information, and details on how to enter.
- Once online entries are received online, the team captain/manager will need to pay the entry fee. Once payment is received you will have the opportunity to choose your playing time in most major sports. Priority on playing times is on a first-come basis based on the completion of the registration process.
When an individual is not represented by an intramural manager, it is that person's responsibility to register online to enter the sport prior to the deadline.
Number of entries
In activities where points are awarded, organizations are limited to one team entry per team sport; four individual entries for each singles activity; and two doubles teams (four people) for each doubles activity.
Organizations may enter more teams or individuals than the allotted, points will not be accrued by the base organization.
Example: One residence hall floor can enter four individuals in residence hall badminton singles. Any other person on that floor wishing to compete in badminton singles must compete in the independent division with no points designated for that floor from that person's competition.
Exceptions: Cross country teams are allowed to have five members on a team. Organizations will be allowed to enter two teams comprised of four people each for 3-on-3 basketball, triples volleyball and 4-on-4 sand volleyball.
Entry fee
An entry fee is charged for each intramural activity. Fees will be:
Team sports: $25 per team
Individual sports and Meet sports: $1 per participant
All intramural fees are subject to sales tax.
Note: No refunds will be given for any entry fee under $15.
Yearly fee option
Groups may choose the option of paying a yearly team entry fee of $250 (plus tax) for the fraternity, residence hall, independent, or women's division and $150 (plus tax) for the co-rec division. This payment will cover one team for meet or team sports and four participants in individual sports.
Exceptions: The yearly fee includes five participants for cross country, and two teams of four people for 3-on-3 basketball, triples volleyball, and 4-on-4 sand volleyball.
Participants of this group must use the designated group name when entering an intramural activity.
The yearly fee covers the designated group in one competitive division only. Example: A residence hall team competing in the Independent division is not covered by the team's yearly fee.
The yearly fee must be paid prior to the registration for the next team sport or the organization may be suspended from play until the fee is paid.
In addition to paying intramural entry fees, teams must also pay green fees for golf, lane fees for bowling, and miniature golf fees.
Managing team rosters and making substitutions
Each team will be required to register through IMLeagues. A participant may not compete for an organization unless he or she has been entered on the official roster prior to the game, or he or she competes in the contest and his or her name is entered on the contest scorecard. The team manager must then report the additions on his or her official roster. This must be done at the Recreational Services office within one working day after the contest was played.
Rosters will be limited to 20 participants per team.
No person may take part in playoffs who was not eligible to play for that team during league play. "Eligible to play" is defined by participation in a regular season game. In double elimination tournament brackets, players must be eligible to play for that team prior to the championship game and the "if necessary" game.
If a name appears on a scorecard, it will be considered a participant. Enter an individual's name on the game scorecard only if they are participating in that contest. Team players not in attendance at a game should not be entered on the scorecard.
A game forfeited prior to the start of play will not be considered participation for any player as it relates to this rule. A game forfeited for any reason after the official start of play will be considered participation. Special circumstances relating to this rule can be reviewed by the intramural coordinators.
All roster additions must be made prior to playoffs. No roster additions will be allowed after playoffs have started.
Forfeits, Protests, and Rescheduling
If a team fails to appear, doesn't sign the scorecard, or isn't ready to start play at the appointed place within five minutes* after the scheduled time for the contest, the game will be forfeited to the opposing team. A double forfeit may also be declared. Two forfeits, for any reason, will result in dropping that team from play for the remainder of the season in that sport.
All protests must be made in the presence of the officials and the opposing captain at the time and place of the incident according to the rules of each game. In addition, a formal protest giving details concerning the game to that point must be typed and presented to the Recreational Services office within one working day after the contest in question. All particulars of the protest must be stated clearly. Judgment calls are not subject to protest. The Assistant Director for Competitive Sports will act on protests. Eligibility protests may be made at any time during the sports season. Eligibility protests must be made to the assistant director of intramurals.
It shall be the responsibility of the Assistant Director for Competitive Sports to rule on protested contests and to make or change rules to govern intramural competitive play. The Assistant Director has the authority to make retroactive, present, and future changes in all intramural rules and regulations. Decisions made are final.
A team can request to have a game rescheduled through IMLeagues. Requests will be approved or denied by the Director of Competitive Sports.
If the opponent consents to reschedule, a mutually agreeable time and the site must be decided upon.
The team captain from the team that requested the rescheduled game will receive an email from Armando with final confirmation of the game being rescheduled.
Sportsmanship is vital to the conduct of every intramural contest. In order to encourage proper conduct during games, officials, administrative personnel, and supervisors shall make decisions on whether to warn, penalize, or eject players or teams for poor sportsmanship. These decisions are final. The intramural director and/or the rules and protest committee will rule on further penalties as a result of unsportsmanlike conduct.
The following may be considered as evidence of unsportsmanlike conduct:
- profanity
- unnecessary delay of the game
- striking or shoving an opponent
- arguing with officials concerning decisions (discussion is allowed as long as it is done in a mature manner by the team captain)
- derogatory and abusive remarks toward an opponent or official
- touching an official any action the intent of which is to physically injure an opponent or official
- any action which may potentially cause equipment or facility damage
- any action which shows disregard for the rules or policies of the intramural program
Each student participating on a team should choose his or her team members carefully, as all team members will suffer the consequences of any disciplinary action taken by Recreational Services against that team for a violation of the intramural rules.
A team captain/manager is responsible for actions by an individual member of the team or for spectators directly related to the team. The conduct of the players and the spectators before and after the game is just as important as the conduct during the game. An organization will be held responsible for its conduct at these times as well as during the game.
Sportsmanship rating system
The sportsmanship rating system is intended to be an objective scale by which teams' attitudes and behaviors can be assessed. Behavior before, during, and after an intramural contest is included in each rating. Each team manager is responsible for educating ALL players and spectators affiliated with his/her team about the system. Rating criteria are defined as:
Excellent (4) - Team exhibited outstanding sportsmanship throughout the course of the game and generally met the following guidelines:
- Players cooperated fully with game officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors
- Players interaction with opponents was cordial and non-aggressive.
- Team captain/manager provided the necessary leadership to control team and address concerns or questions in calm non-aggressive manner.
- Players did not engage in unsportsmanlike behavior throughout the course of the game (i.e. taunting, excessive fouls, arguing, cursing, etc.)
- Team was not penalized with an unsportsmanlike penalty.
- No comments of a derogatory nature directed at any individual.
Good (3) - Team generally exhibited good sportsmanship throughout the course of the game and generally met the following guidelines:
- Players generally displayed good sportsmanship to game officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors.
- Minimal arguing with game officials on calls.
- Overall behavior was acceptable.
- Team captain/manager provided the necessary leadership to control team throughout the course of the game.
- Team had no blatant acts of unsportsmanlike conduct.
Below Average (2) - Team exhibited characteristics of both good and bad sportsmanship throughout the course of the game:
- Players argued several calls made by game officials, scorekeepers, or supervisors.
- Team received one unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
- Teams made inappropriate comments to game officials, scorekeepers, supervisors, or opposing players.
- Overall behavior was inappropriate and team was visibly agitated throughout the game.
Poor (1) - Team displayed poor sportsmanship, was confrontational and uncooperative throughout the course of the game.
- Team received two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.
- Players consistently argued calls made by game officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors.
- Players were uncooperative with game officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors.
- Team used inappropriate language towards game officials, scorekeepers, supervisors, and other participants.
- Players displayed aggressive actions towards game officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors.
Unacceptable (0) - Teams behavior was unacceptable.
- Team received three unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.
- Team's behavior was consistently inappropriate toward game officials, scorekeepers, and supervisors.
- Players were in a fight.
- Team's behavior was so inappropriate that the game was called due to unsportsmanlike conduct.
Unsportsmanlike conduct and ejection policy
If any intramural participant or spectator is ejected from any activity, he or she is immediately ineligible for further competition in any intramural activity until he or she is cleared by the intramural director or designee. When ejected from an activity, the participant or spectator must immediately leave the facility, Recreation Complex, or intramural playfields.
It is the participant's responsibility to schedule an appointment with the intramural director to review his or her behavior and subsequent eligibility in any intramural activity. Penalties are effective after the meeting with the intramural director or designee (i.e., no self-imposed penalties).
- Individual: Ejection from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct will result in penalties against the individuals involved. These range from the minimum of the basic unsportsmanlike penalty below to suspension from all intramural activities for the remainder of their academic career, depending on the severity of the unsportsmanlike action.
- Team: Team involvement in unsportsmanlike conduct may result in a minimum of probation for that team up to removal from the intramural schedule. (See team suspension below.)
The number one priority in intramural play is good conduct and sportsmanship. When taunting and baiting are allowed to take place, sportsmanship takes a backseat. Examples include, but are not limited to, harassing, heckling, badgering, teasing to engender ill will, or mocking or challenging in an insulting manner. Any demonstration of taunting or baiting during intramural activities will be penalized.
Intramural probation
- Individual: The individual may continue his or her participation in that sports season with the full understanding that any further reports of unsportsmanlike conduct will result in stricter penalties, i.e., suspension.
- Team: Intramural probation places a team on probationary status. Any further unsportsmanlike conduct will result in suspension from any further intramural participation. This also applies to teams not in attendance at captain's/manager's meetings or soccer captain's meeting.
Intramural suspension
- Individual: The individual may not participate in any intramural activity, whether it be a team sport, meet sport, or an individual sport. Any action taken against an individual does not preclude the right to take action against the organization the individual represents for the same incident(s) of unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Team: Suspension from intramural activities prohibits the suspended organization from participating in any team or meet sports or being represented in individual sports during the period of intramural suspension.
The term of probation or suspension for individuals and teams may be set for a particular sport, semester, year, or an indefinite period.
Basic unsportsmanlike penalty
Any participant ejected from a contest will not be allowed to participate in his or her team's succeeding contest. Doing so will result in intramural probation. This is a minimum penalty. Other penalties may be applied.