Recreational Services Facility Rentals

There will be no organized activities except those sponsored by Recreational Services at the Recreation Complex or surrounding areas without special permission.

Scheduling priorities
Both indoor and outdoor facilities are available for rentals as time permits as outlined below.

Priority for scheduling for rental events will be in the following order:

  1. Recreational Services sponsored activities
  2. Center for Student Involvement (CSI) registered student organizations
  3. K-State departments
  4. Non-university organization activities





Charges for approved use
Student Organizations registered by CSI will be allowed to reserve facility space at no cost for practices, special events or philanthropies if the organization receives no financial gain from the use of the facility.

In order for the Tier 1 rate to apply to a CSI student organization, K-State students shall be actively involved in the rental and shall not apply for a student organization rate for an outside entity. All other associated charges for employee staffing, equipment rental, and damages will apply.

Reservation by student groups shall be limited to no more than 2 hours unless approved by Recreational Services. Any reservation in excess of 2 hours by student groups shall count as another separate reservation of the 6 allowable reservations for the semester by the student group. Reservations must not exceed the use of 2+ courts/areas unless approved.

rental fee chart

For Climbing Wall rental information click here.